The Delico Dim Sum Mix is a delicious frozen mix of various traditional Asian dumplings and dumplings. This diverse selection of dim sum offers the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of flavors and textures from Asian cuisine.
The dumplings and dumplings in Delico Dim Sum Mix are artisanal and carefully prepared to ensure an authentic taste and pleasant texture. The dough is soft, tender and slightly sticky, while the fillings are savory, juicy and full of flavors.
Preparing the Dim Sum Mix is easy. You can take the frozen dim sum straight from the freezer and either steam, boil or deep-fry, depending on the type and preferences. Once prepared, the dim sum is hot, steaming and ready to be enjoyed.
Schweinefleisch Sieuw Mai (Schweinefleisch 55%, Weizenmehl), Rindfleisch Sieuw Mai (Rindfleisch 48%, Weizenmehl), Ha Kouw (Garnelen (Krustentiere) 36%, Weizenstärke), Schweinefleisch Xiaolongbao (Schweinefleisch 30%, Weizenmehl), Kartoffelstärke, Bambussprossen, Shiitake, Zucker, Pflanzenöl (Rapsöl, Sonnenblumenöl, Wasserkastanie (Nüsse), Sojasauce (Wasser, Sojabohnen, Salz, Weizenmehl), Salz, Lauch, Geschmacksverstärker E621, Sesamöl, Gluten, Ingwer, Pfeffer, Frühlingszwiebeln, Reiswein (Wasser, Reis, Weizen, E150C), getrocknete Garnelen (Krustentiere), Stabilisator E466, Säureregulator (E500(ii), E501), getrocknete Orangenschalen, Emulgator (E451(i), E452(ii), Farbstoff (Paprikaextrakt), Konzentrat (Apfel, Saflor, Zitrone).
Allergene: Weizen, Krebstiere (Garnelen), Soja
Nährwertangaben (pro 100 g)
Energie 793 kj / 190 kcal
Fett 7,4 g
- davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,4 g
Kohlenhydrate 20 g
- davon Zucker 1,8 g
Ballaststoffe 0 g
Eiweiß 11 g
Salz 0,44 g
Asia Express Food B.V.
Kontaktadresse: Kilbystraat 1, 8263 CJ Kampen,